A space to share psychological science — even psychological statistics

Viann N. Nguyen-Feng, PhD, MPH, is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. She serves as core faculty in the counseling/clinical track and directs the Mind-Body Trauma Care Lab. In late Fall 2019, I was doing my usual perusal of the Association for Psychological Science’s (APS) e-newsletter with … Continued

Wikipedia editing in an upper-level biology elective

Heather Olins is an Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Biology Department and Environmental Studies Program at Boston College. Here she reflects on her student’s experience with Wikipedia editing in an upper level elective course, and adjustments she is making to the project in its second iteration. I teach a biology elective course called … Continued

Elevating the voices of women in science through Wikipedia

Adriana Bankston is a Principal Legislative Analyst at University of California. She recently took the 500 Women Scientists Wiki Scholars course and reflects on her experience in this guest blog post. This post represents the writer’s personal views and not the views of their employer, University of California. I’m a former bench scientist who transitioned … Continued

Into the WikiWorld

Valerie Bentivegna is a bio-engineer working and living in Seattle. She is a member of the Seattle pod of 500 Women Scientists and chair of the Communication Working Group of the Marie Curie Alumni Association. You can follow her on her personal blog and on Twitter. We all know Wikipedia. It’s almost impossible not to.  … Continued

An unusual place to find community

Dr. Azmina Bhayani is family physician. She recently completed one of our Wiki Scholars courses sponsored by the Society of Family Planning. She practices in New York City and is particularly interested in reproductive health and medical education.  Community means different things to different people. Wikipedia says community is “a social unit…with commonality such as … Continued

Adding biographies of female oceanographers

Laura Guertin is a Professor of Earth Science at Penn State Brandywine in Media, Pennsylvania. She recently participated in the 500 Women Scientists Wiki Scholars program and reflects on her experience with the Wikimedia community in this guest blog post. As a scientist and educator Wikipedia is a resource that has always been on my … Continued

Special Olympics staff improve Wikipedia’s equity

Jamie Valis is the Director of Health Training at Special Olympics, Lindsay Dubois is the Director, Research and Evaluation at Special Olympics, and Chelsea Fosse is a public health dentist, former Coordinator of the Clinical Director Community of Practice at Special Olympics, and Senior Health Policy Analyst at the American Dental Association. Jamie, Lindsay, and … Continued

Shining a light on hidden figures with Wikipedia—a collaboration

Dr. Anna Lappala is an Instructor at Harvard University and Dr. Julia Dshemuchadse is an Assistant Professor at Cornell University. They recently took part in the APS Wiki Scientists Course—a partnership between the American Physical Society and Wiki Education. A second edition of this course is now accepting applications. Women are still wildly outnumbered in … Continued

How Wikidata might help the Smithsonian with its mission to diffuse knowledge

Clara de Pablo is a Fellow in the Office of Communications and Marketing at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. She enrolled in Wiki Education’s introductory Wikidata course to learn more about how to apply linked data practices to her work. My involvement with Wikidata began — as all great stories do — with … Continued