Open Courses

250 by 2026
Course Offerings
Amplify research to the general public
Millions of people read Wikipedia every day, and while the available content can be high quality, so much is still missing. If your institution houses academic knowledge and expertise within your publications, members, or staff, you can be an active part of making more reliable.
In a customized 6-week Wikipedia training course, Wiki Education trains up to 20 of your stakeholders to find missing, underdeveloped, or inaccurate information on Wikipedia, and we guide them through the intricate process of improving those pages.
Increase Wikipedia’s diversity, equity, and inclusion
So many Wikipedia biographies of notable women don’t exist yet – simply because no one has taken the time to write them. Institutions can empower their members to add women and other historically excluded people to Wikipedia, helping the world celebrate their accomplishments.
In a 6-week virtual course, Wiki Education’s team of Wikipedia experts meets with up to 20 people to guide them as they add a biography to Wikipedia. They develop Wikipedia know-how as they bring more diverse voices and stories to the public.
Bring your team into the Open Data Movement
A common challenge facing librarians, archivists, and museum professionals is the accuracy and accessibility of information related to their collections and archives. How can they get good, reliable information to the public? For many, the answer is Wikidata.
In our 3-week Wikidata Institute, we meet virtually twice a week to facilitate hands-on work for up to 20 participants, providing guidance as they edit Wikidata and bring your collections data to the public.
Engage members with a virtual Wikidata workshop
If you’re interested in giving your employees, members, or other stakeholders a taste of Wikidata and how powerful it can be, we offer a 2-session virtual workshop (and will return to in-person experiences when safe).
We’ll work with you to schedule two 1-hour sessions with up to 30 attendees, and our Wikidata experts will share an overview of why Wikidata is important, how it works, and how eager participants can learn more about engaging with the open data repository that gets high quality knowledge out to the public.