Image: File:Mauditecandela.jpg, mauditecandela, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Candela Jiménez Girón — maudite — is off to a running start with her Outreachy internship project. From December to March, Candela is working on improving the Dashboard for Art + Feminism 2018. She’s already made progress on several of the highest priority issues identified from the 2017 Art + Feminism campaign, including a better interface on Programs & Events Dashboard pages for showing how old the displayed stats are.
Over the next few months, along with my returning co-mentor Jonathan Morgan of Wikimedia Foundation, I’ll be supporting Candela’s efforts to improve the sign-up workflow, make it simpler to set up new edit-a-thons, and polish the user experience for event organizers and participants. (And of course, many of these changes will be helpful for a variety of use cases, and will benefit users of Wiki Education Dashboard as well.)
Candela has a background in cinema and cultural management, and has been moving towards a career in technology over the last several years. She’s been working as a product manager since 2015, and is an active member of RubyMonstas Berlin, a RailsGirls study group. She wants to use her Outreachy internship to build up her skills in software development.
Thanks to Candela, Jonathan, the Wikimedia Foundation Developer Relations team, and Outreachy! I’m looking forward to a fun and productive next few months. 🙂
Thanks a lot Sage! I look forward too, a great and very interesting experience so far. 🙂