Wiki Ed’s first pilot program, which aims to work with high-achieving student clubs, honor societies, and other student groups interested in contributing content to Wikipedia, has launched with three groups at the University of California Berkeley, the University of Arizona, and Oregon State University. We still have a handful of slots open for university student groups on the west coast interested in expanding their philanthropy, professional development, and service opportunities with a Wikipedia project; get in touch if you’re interested!
The Berkeley Water Group Idea Lab, the University of Arizona Geology Club, and the Oregon State Pi Alpha Xi Horticulture Club are on-board with our student groups pilot to fill content gaps on Wikipedia in their fields.
Here’s how it works: Students in these clubs will host Wiki Ed staff at one to two of their meetings this term, receive training on how to contribute illustrations and text to Wikipedia articles, engage in a group field trip and editing project, and work on individual editing goals. Planned activities include tours of geologic phenomena in the Tucson desert, water treatment plants in the San Francisco Bay Area, and local reservoirs, arboretums, and more! Our students range from undergraduates to post-doctoral fellows, all with a passion for their subject and the goal of contributing high quality content to Wikipedia in their areas of academic interest.
The idea grew as an experiment based on the success of our classroom program. Over five years, our classroom program has produced high quality student content working with student editors through classroom assignments. Since student editors have been shown to add high-quality content to Wikipedia through class-based assignments, we’re interested in seeing if we can replicate this model outside of the classroom. Through this pilot, we are helping students create unique projects that bridge academic and personal interests while filling Wikipedia’s critical content gaps.
We are still looking to partner with high-achieving honor societies and student groups at all university levels. To get started, contact me at samantha@wikiedu.org. I look forward to seeing this pilot help fill Wikipedia’s content gaps.