As we continue into the second year of our Knowledge Equity initiative, Wiki Education is pleased to announce the seven new members of the Humanities & Social Justice Advisory Committee. Composed of higher education faculty from across the country, the multidisciplinary group will advise and collaborate on our ongoing work to improve Wikipedia’s coverage of historically underrepresented subjects and people.
The scholars bring their deep pedagogical and subject area expertise, as well as their passion for teaching with Wikipedia – each has incorporated a Wikipedia assignment into their curriculum.
“My students light up when they realize their class work on invisibilized or silenced communities can have real-world impact,” emphasized Dean Allbritton, associate professor of Spanish and director of the Center for the Arts and Humanities at Colby College. “The knowledge that they are actively making space for others feels timely and important in a way that scholarly work often may not. I joined this committee because Wikipedia still has so much room to grow and so many opportunities still to make space in this world for those who have not yet been afforded it.”
Advisory committee members will support Wiki Education’s Knowledge Equity initiative in a variety of ways, engaging with our outreach and communications projects, serving as panelists at academic conferences, and pursuing academic publishing opportunities. Members will also provide guidance and feedback on new Wiki Education curricular resources related to the initiative.

“I’m excited about promoting the use of Wikipedia editing projects in the art history classroom because I am a big fan of giving students ‘authentic tasks’ that have a real-world impact,” explained Rachel Miller, associate professor of art history at Sacramento State University. “There is sometimes a perception that art history is just about sitting in a dark classroom and memorizing identifying information for works of art to regurgitate on an exam. I think art history can be so much more than that, and I hope to help other art history instructors discover the rewards students get from editing Wikipedia.”
Committee member Katie Holt has incorporated the Wikipedia assignment into her courses at the College of Wooster since 2017. Reflecting on her decision to join the committee, the history professor underscored how empowering and impactful the Wikipedia coursework has been for her students.
“Students are rightfully proud of how their research and writing makes a freely accessible resource like Wikipedia stronger and more representative,” said Holt.
2025 Humanities & Social Justice Advisory Committee members:
Dean Allbritton
Dr. Dean Allbritton is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Director of the Center for the Arts and Humanities at Colby College. His research focuses on representations of health, sexuality, and gender in contemporary Spanish culture, with particular attention to the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic. Since 2018, he has integrated Wikipedia into his teaching, particularly in courses that highlight LGBTQ+ voices in Spain, expanding the visibility of lesser-known queer individuals in Spanish history and culture. A participant in Wiki Education’s Scholars & Scientists Program, he has also presented on the transformative role of Wikipedia in the classroom at the National Humanities Conference. His students have contributed over 35,000 words to Wikipedia; their work has received more than 127,000 pageviews during their courses, reinforcing Wikipedia’s potential to amplify marginalized voices and engage students in public scholarship.
Katie Holt
Dr. Katie Holt holds the Aileen Dunham Professorship in History at the College of Wooster (Ohio), where she teaches courses in Brazilian, Latin American, and Latino/a/x histories as well as digital storytelling and digital humanities methods courses. She has been teaching with Wikipedia since 2017 and enjoys how these assignments can both improve students’ information literacy and serve as a format for them to make meaningful contributions to improve public, freely accessible information on topics they are passionate about. As of February 2025, Dr. Holt’s students have collectively improved 455 articles, adding more than 310,600 words and 3,700 references, and getting more than 30.7 million page views. She has presented on teaching with Wikipedia as a pedagogical strategy for addressing content gaps about Latin American and Latino/a/x history at the American Historical Association (2025) and alongside her colleague Educational Technologist Emily Armour at Kenyon College’s Center for Innovative pedagogy What Works Conference (2023).
Rachel Miller
Dr. Rachel Miller is an Associate Professor of Art History at Sacramento State where she teaches courses on ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque art, using teaching methods that place European art in a broader global context and decolonize European art’s traditional normative position in the canon of art history. Professor Miller has presented papers and workshops on art history pedagogy and organized pedagogy panels at the College Art Association and the Renaissance Society of America annual conferences. She has written on pedagogy for the Sixteenth-Century Society Journal and Art History Teaching Resources and has a forthcoming essay, co-written with Dr. Mya Dosch, in the edited volume, Equity-Enhancing Strategies for the Art History Classroom. Professor Miller has been using Wikipedia-editing projects in the classroom since 2017, and to-date, her students have edited almost 400 articles, contributing more than half a million words of new content to Wikipedia.
David M. Peña-Guzmán
Dr. David M. Peña-Guzmán is Associate Professor of Humanities and Comparative World Literature at SF State in San Francisco, California. He specializes in animal studies, the history and philosophy of science, theories of consciousness, and 20th century continental philosophy. He is the author of When Animals Dream: The Hidden World of Animal Consciousness, and Philosophy and Its Myths, and co-author of Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers’ Brief. He is also co-host of the philosophy podcast Overthink.
La’Tonya Rease Miles
A literature and cultural studies scholar by training, Dr. La’Tonya (LT) Rease Miles is a clinical faculty member in the Department of Education and Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University. Her research interests include the hidden curriculum in higher education, narratives about the first-generation college experience, and the representation of first-generation students in popular culture. She began teaching Wikipedia alongside her graduate students in 2022 and has gone on to coordinate two international edit-a-thons, including one focused on American authors who also identify as first-generation to college.
Juana María Rodríguez
Dr. Juana María Rodríguez is Professor of Ethnic Studies and Performance Studies at UC Berkeley and has been collaborating with Wiki Education in her classrooms since 2016. She is the author of Puta Life: Seeing Latinas, Working Sex (Duke UP, 2023); Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings (NYU Press, 2014); and Queer Latinidad: Identity Practices, Discursive Spaces (NYU Press, 2003). In 2023 she was awarded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies Kessler Prize for her career long contributions to LGBT Studies.
Jennifer Stoever
Dr. Jennifer Lynn Stoever is Associate Professor of English at Binghamton University, Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Sounding Out!: The Sound Studies Blog, and author of The Sonic Color Line: Race and the Cultural Politics of Listening (NYU Press, 2016). She is a founding member of the Engaged Digital Humanities Working Group at Binghamton University and Co-Director of The Binghamton Punk D.I.Y. Community Archive. A 2018 Whiting Foundation Public-Facing Scholarship seed grant awardee and a 2023 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, Jennifer has published research in American Quarterly, Social Text, Radical History Review, Modernist Cultures, and the Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies among others, as well as in The Oxford Handbook of Hip Hop (2018) and The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art (2021). Currently, she is co-editing Power in Listening: The Sounding Out! Reader, with Liana Silva and Aaron Trammell (forthcoming on NYU Press), as well as the three-volume Encyclopedia of Sound Studies contracted with Bloomsbury Press (with Michael Bull and Holger Schulze). Her book-in-progress, Living Room Revolutions: Black and Brown Women Collecting Records, Selecting Sounds, and Making New Worlds in the 1970s Bronx and Beyond, inspired the course “Black Women and Creativity in the 1960s and 70s” that she has taught in partnership with Wiki Education since Spring 2024. You can read about her students’ work increasing the Wikipedia presence of Black women artists in “Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon honors Black artists” and Wiki Education’s“History is only as equitable as its sources and writers.”