Bringing the Instructor and Student views of the Dashboard closer together

screenshot of instructor view of My Articles
Now instructors can see and use My Articles and Upcoming Exercises

For a long time now, our instructors have asked if they could see the same features of the Course Dashboard that their students see. We’re very excited to announce a change that brings the instructor and student views much closer together: both instructors and students now have the My Articles and Upcoming Exercises sections on the Home tab of their course pages!

The My Articles section is the main way students interact with their particular projects on the Dashboard. It’s where they assign themselves an article to work on, and sign up for peer reviews. The Upcoming Exercises is where they see the next not-yet-complete training module or exercise from the course Timeline. Instructors now have both sections and can see what their students see when interacting with the Dashboard. (Note that the Upcoming Exercises section will disappear once you’ve completed all the training modules and marked all the exercises as complete.)

We hope this new feature will enable instructors to more accurately demonstrate the Dashboard’s interface and better aid their students as they begin their Wikipedia journey.



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